Understanding the Church – Its Function Continued

Sermon Outline – November 17, 2019Download Understanding the Church – Its Function Continued James 3:1; Hebrews 13:17; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 28:18-20 November 17, 2019 A biblical church is more than a ___________________ or social assembly. In order for it conform to God’s _________________, it must have a proper ___________________ foundation, healthy ___________________, and outward _____________________. Active __________________________ brings…

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Understanding the Church – Part 2

Understanding the Church – Part 2 Deuteronomy 6:1-25; Matthew 16:13-28 October 6, 2019 The church is in ___________________.  The observations, _________________, and experiences of many offer conclusions about what the church is and how it should be _______________ or repaired.  Is the church like a ___________________ building that has _________________ its time and needs to…

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