Will You Let Circumstances Change Your Character?
Genesis 39:1-23
April 5, 2020
There is an interesting ________________ between Genesis 38 and 39. In chapter 38, Joseph’s older brother (Judah) ____________________ his character of the ____________ of the flesh; in chapter 39, Joseph demonstrated his commitment to ______________. Judah was willing to sell his brother for a slave, yet he himself was a slave of _________.
A. The Discipline of ___________________ (vv. 1-6)
1. He learned how to ____________ diligently and to __________
other workers.
2. He learned ___________________ (1 Peter 5:5-6).
a. ______________________ orders
b. Being ____________________ in the small things
3. God _______________________ him. (vv. 2-3)
a. His brothers stripped him of his princely _____________, but
could not strip him of his _____________________.
b. God blessed his ___________________ by promoting him in
his employment.
c. He was separated from his father’s house, but not from ____.
B. The Discipline of ___________-control. (vv. 7-18)
1. Temptation from Potiphar’s _____________
a. Her sin began in the ____________.
b. She was daring and _____________________ in her sin.
c. She was urgent and ______________________.
2. Temptation _____________________ by Joseph
a. Even though it came from a person of rank and ___________
b. Even though opportunity _____________________ it
c. He had already determined in his _______________ who was
his Master.
(1). He would not ________________ Potiphar’s trust and
(2). He would not offend his God and _______ against Him.
d. He _______________ from the temptation.
C. The Discipline of ___________________ (vv. 19-23)
1. Joseph suffered for doing what was _____________. (1 Peter
a. He was ____________________ accused.
b. He could not __________________ himself.
2. Joseph was __________________ by Potiphar as well as
Potiphar’s wife.
a. Potiphar had to take his wife’s ____________ to save face.
b. Joseph was put into the ________________ prison.