The First Resort in Crisis March 22, 2020 Sermon Outline – March 22, 2020Download The First Resort in Crisis Colossians 1:1-29; Philippians 4:4-7; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; 1 Peter 5:6-11 March 22, 2020 When a crisis hits your family, what is your first _________________? If you _________ your job, what would be your first next step? Check your _____________ account? See how much money you had in your __________________________ and how much of a penalty you would incur if you withdrew some? Check the want ____________ for job openings? Contact your family and friends for __________________? A. ___________________ of the Church (Col. 1:1-6) 1. Their __________________ toward the Lord 2. Their ______________ toward each other 3. Their ______________ toward the future B. __________________ for the Church (Col. 1:9-14) 1. That they will _______________ in the knowledge of God 2. That they will ___________________ God 3. That they will bear __________________ for God 4. That they will be _________________________ by God 5. That they will be ______________________ to God a. For what the ____________________ did b. For what the _______________ did C. ______________________ of the Church (Col. 1:15-23) 1. To _________________ who Christ is 2. To show what Christ has _______________ a. In regard to __________________ (1). He created __________ things. (2). He _________________ all things. (3). He will ___________________ all things b. In regard to the church – its appointed ____________ (1). Christ lives _________ you. (2). Christ wants you to be _______________ in Him. Posted in SERMONS