Hear the Word of the Old Prophet March 15, 2020 Sermon Outline – March 8, 2020Download Hear the Word of the Old Prophet Deuteronomy 5:1, 28-33; 6:1-25; 7:1-10; 10:12-13 March 15, 2020 The importance of properly ______________________ to the Word of God in our lives cannot be _______________________. Among other descriptions, it is a ___________________, a hammer, and a _______. It is something to be felt more than ______________________. God’s instructions to the Israelites are applicable to us. A. The ___________________________ Reiterated 1. The Law _________________________ (chapter 5) 2. The Law _________________________ (chapter 6) 3. The Law _________________________ (chapters 7-10) a. Dangers from ______________________ (chapter 7) b. Dangers from ______________________ (chapters 8-10) B. The _______________ to be Committed Repeated (chapters 10-11) 1. Wholehearted commitment is _______________________ and ______________________. 2. Genuine love and obedience is _______________________ and ___________________________. 3. Remember your ____________________ of rebelliousness. 4. ________________________ self-righteousness C. The ________________________ of the Word 1. A ___________________ – it is used to attack and __________ 2. A ____________________ – it is used to build and __________ 3. A _________________ – it is used to ___________ and destroy Posted in Deuteronomy, SERMONS