The Bible – The Word of God
Psalm 19:1-14
January 12, 2020
The Word of God has been under attack since the Garden of Eden. The intent of the enemies of God has always been to question it, to challenge it, to deny it, to compromise it, or to explain it away so that they can discredit God. A poor understanding of the Bible leads to doubt, discouragement, hopelessness, and ultimately unbelief.
A. God ______________________ Himself.
1. Through natural (__________________) revelation
a. The heavens _________________ God’s handwork.
b. People all over the world can see this “__________ sermon”.
2. Through ______________________ revelation
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
c. The ______________________ – the Word of God
B. The Bible – What It Is
1. ____________________
a. Reveals God and His ___________________
b. _____________________________
2. Perfect and ____________________
a. Free from any ____________________
b. _________________ and complete
3. Living – Hebrews 4:12
4. A mirror – ____________________ our true selves
5. A seed – contains the life and __________________ of the Lord
6. A sword – pierces into our innermost being and ___________sin
7. ____________________ – giving
C. The Bible – What It Does
1. _______________________ the soul
2. Makes ____________________ the simple
3. _______________________ the heart
4. _______________________ the eyes
5. _______________________ forever
6. Altogether _____________________ – right in every warning
7. Most ____________________ – better than gold and _______
than honey
D. What Jesus Said And Thought About The Bible
1. He regarded it as ______________________ inspired.
2. He never set aside the Scriptures in favor of an ____________
with God.
3. He distinctly ___________________ that the Law of Moses is
the Word of God.
4. He put His __________________ on the whole Old Testament
after His resurrection.
5. He set His __________ on the New Testament by anticipation.
E. Did Jesus think the Bible contained errors? 1 of 3 ___________:
1. That the errors were there but Jesus was not _______________
of them.
2. That He was aware of the errors but did not _______________
to tell us.
3. That there are _____ errors in Scripture. Only this one is true!