Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Psalm 139:1-24
January 19, 2020
God’s design for us is absolutely _________________, and He deeply loves and cares for us. In this psalm are clearly found _____ of God’s attributes: _________________, omnipresence, and ______________. He knows us at the moment of _____________________, and loves us from that point until our death.
A. God’s Omniscience (vv. 1-6) He ________________ all about us.
1. What we ________ (vv. 1-3)
2. What we ________________ (v. 2)
3. What we _________ (vv. 4-6)
B. God’s Omnipresence (vv. 7-12) God is always ___________ us.
1. He is in ___________________. (vv. 7-8)
2. He is in __________ (sheol), the place of the dead. (v. 8)
3. He is found in the farthest _________________. (vv. 9-10)
God’s hand will ____________ and support us wherever we go.
4. He sees the _______________ in darkness or light. (vv. 11-12)
C. His Omnipotence (vv. 13-24) God can do all things _________ us.
1. David’s ____________________ (vv. 13-18)
a. God creates and arranges our ___________ within the womb.
(vv. 13-15) He knows us _________________ we are born.
b. God ____________ each day of our lives before we are born.
c. God __________________ our every day in His book (v. 16)
d. God thinks wonderful and innumerable _________________
about us constantly. (v. 17-18)
2. David’s ______________________ (vv. 19-24)
a. Hold the ___________________ accountable. (vv. 19-22)
b. Point out anything in his life that ________________ God.
(vv. 23-24)
(1). _______________ me – for His _________________
(2). _____________ me – desire for His ______________
(3). ________ me – willingness to _____________ Him in
any way
(4). __________ me – longing to be __________________
(5). __________ me – everlasting ____________________