The Message of the Incarnation (God in the Flesh)
(God in the Flesh)
John 1:1-18; Phil. 2:5-11
December 8, 2019
The term incarnation refers to that ______________ by which the Son of God (the second person of the Godhead) ______________________ became man. It takes as fact the essential ____________________ and eternal _____________________ of the Person who became incarnate. Jesus was originally in the form of God and on an ________________ with God. The Creator became the Creature. _________ became man.
A. The _______________ of the Incarnation
1. It is one of the tremendous ____________ of the Christian faith.
2. He who eternally _____________________ began to be.
3. He who was eternal became _____________________.
4. He who was eternal entered ___________________ and became
subject to its conditions.
a. The Infinite became the ________________________.
b. The Immutable (undeniable, ________________________ in
character) became ______________________ (the possibility
of changeable and inconsistent)
c. The Invisible became __________________________.
d. The Almighty became the ______________________.
e. The Creator became the ________________________.
f. God became ________________.
B. The _____________________ of the Incarnation
1. The ______________ conceived by the Holy Spirit. (Matt. 1:20;
Luke 1:35)
2. Isaiah 7:14 ____________________________ Galatians 4:4.
3. Jesus was not a mere baby with a ______________________.
4. 100% God and 100% man living in the ______________ body
C. ______________ Does the Incarnation Matter?
1. It shows us the ________________ is not evil. (Genesis 1:31)
2. It allows Jesus to ___________________ with and understand
us. Heb. 4:15
3. It makes Jesus the _____________________ Mediator for our
prayers. Heb. 4:14
4. It makes possible the _______________________ of our sins.
Heb. 9:22
5. It makes our ________________________ possible. 1 Cor. 15