Heritage Baptist Church Is Now Meeting with First Baptist Church of River Falls, WI!
We invite you to bring your Bible and come worship with us at First Baptist Church of River Falls, Wisconsin (814 South Wasson Lane, River Falls, WI 54022). You will find family-friendly people who have a heart for the Lord and a desire to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The teaching of God’s Word is accomplished with doctrinal integrity and genuine compassion. We focus on God-honoring worship, timeless truths, and family discipleship. Please join us this Sunday!
Join Us this Sunday!
Join us in person in River Falls on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM for Sunday School and 11:00 AM for Morning Worship. If you are unable to attend in person, feel free to join us by Live-stream at www.facebook.com/FirstBaptistChurchRF/. The portion of the service that is Live-streamed usually begins about 11:20 AM.
What We Are Studying.
The theme for the adult Sunday School class on Sunday mornings is the authority of Scripture and its value to our lives. During the Morning Service, we've been examining practical lessons from the book of Joshua. You are welcome to join us.
How Do We Grow in Faith?
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.” ~2 Timothy 3:16-17
Read Pastor's Blog.
Enjoy short, simple, and sometimes funny stories from Pastor's real-life experiences loaded with practical spiritual lessons. “Okay, Watkins. You first! Then we’ll take a turn.” I accepted the challenge that no one could stay on the inner tube long. I should have known..." Visit Blog.