GOD’S GOT THIS: Truths on God’s Sovereignty from the Book of Esther

"Life can often seem overwhelming and out of control. Challenges mount while our resources dwindle. Other people make choices that affect us which we are powerless to change. But just when we wonder what is going on in our world, the biblical account of Esther compels us to realize that even in unsure times, God is in control. He has a purpose and is working in and through us at 'such a time as this.' "

"God reigns supreme over every detail of the universe, and He cares about every detail of your life. Nothing surprises or overwhelms Him. Stabilize and settle your soul through an understanding of the sovereignty of God and His commitment to bring about His purposes in your life for your good and His glory. "

Written by Dr. Paul Chappell, senior pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church and president of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, California, this eight-week journey of growth teaches real-life lessons from the life of Esther on the promise of God's sovereignty and what that means for your life.

Join us on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM. If you have questions, contact us.